How to Make Hips Smaller

Extra weight on the hips makes lots of women suffer. According to the experts, the unsightly deposits in this area can appear because of flabby buttocks.

Butt Exercise

If you do not want to have cellulite on the hips, and if your side silhouette needs to look fit, the experts advise to train middle and small gluteal muscles. To do this, make the movements sideways – your leg can be straight or bent, you can do the exercise while standing or lying, lying on your side or standing on all fours.
Cosmetic Procedures for Hips

You can tidy up the muscles of the hips with the help of myostimulation and lymphatic drainage. Myostimulation with current causes the muscle to contract and repairs damaged muscle fibers, thereby improving the circulation of blood and lymph circulation, activating metabolism, and making the fat cell volume decrease. Lymphatic drainage removes excess water from the muscles.
Fatburn Workout Tips

Slimming the hips requires fat burning workouts 3-5 times a week. Preference should be given to the exercises with a lot of hip movement – walking in waist-deep water, walking uphill, riding on rollers, etc.

Cosmetic procedures to combat overweight on the hips include corrective massage, hydromassage and mesotherapy.